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Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Getting rid of mould in your home takes time and elbow grease – and you probably won't be using that 'miracle' mould killer you picked up at the supermarket.

It's important you don't just ignore mould growing in your home. It can give off toxic spores and vapours which can be dangerous to your health – possibly resulting in allergic reactions, asthma and flu-like symptoms

Does bleach kill mould?

Experts we spoke to say there's evidence that bleach can kill fungi, but it needs to be at a 10% concentration to work.

Even at a higher potency, bleach won't penetrate porous materials, so if the mould is growing on plaster, grout or wood, it will kill mould on the surface, but not below it. So, in most cases, the mould will return.

Also, several experts told us that bleach can be a masking agent. Bleach takes the colour, or melanin, out of fungi, making it invisible. You can't see it anymore, so you think the bleach has done its job, when that's not necessarily the case.

Strong bleach is also harmful to grout and tiles as it erodes and corrodes the surfaces, making them more porous, which in turn makes them more vulnerable to further fungi growth.

If you are unable to remove the mould, or if you are asthmatic, it is best to call in the experts.

Xspor’s Certified Mould Technicians use ‘Enzycleanse’ which is an all-natural enzyme-based product to remove mould and save costly demolition or repair bills, as it penetrates deeply into walls and porous materials, eradicating the spores that may be growing internally.

Xspor Mould Removal in Australia

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