The East and North coasts of Australia have faced an unprecedented three La Ninas in a row. We have previously discussed the effects of these weather systems in relation to mould, and that was several months ago and the rain continues!
With cooler weather and more rain on the way, it is important to be prepared. This kind of weather is perfect for mould, and similar to previous years no doubt will be a huge problem for homeowners.
This blog post will outline some ways you can protect your home from mould, and what to do if you do develop a mould problem.
1. Understanding Where Mould Grows
The first step in preventing mould growth is understanding where and why it grows.
The two key ingredients mould love is darkness and moisture. That's why you can often find mould in areas such as:
Air Conditioning Vents

However, due to the increased moisture content in the air, notwithstanding flooding, mould has been given the opportunity to grow every it can inside a house. This has been exacerbated by a lack of airflow due to closed windows from the rain.
For more information on mould click below.
2. Airflow
Perhaps the simplest and quickest preventative measure you can take. Having sufficient cycling of fresh air is an excellent method to prevent mould growth. This can be done by opening windows and doors when the rain has stopped or turning on fans to circulate air. Another tip is to not hang wet clothes inside wardrobes or bedrooms to prevent moisture from accumulating in spots.

XSpor Also offers Phillips UV-C Air Disinfection Units. These products can help remove up to 99% of bacteria, fungi etc from the air in your house.
To see our range of UV-C solutions click below.

3. Dehumidifiers
In line with point #2 dehumidifiers are a great way to control moisture content and airflow in a room. Dehumidifiers work by removing water from the air in your home to the level you desire. As we have discussed above moisture is critical for mould growth so dehumidifiers are a great way to help. There is a huge range of dehumidifiers on the market, so be sure to choose a high-quality one that will be effective in reducing humidity which will help prevent mould growth.

Image Credit: ABC
4. Check Leaks
I hope we have established by now how important it is to control moisture in your home. One of the worst culprits in allowing mould to grow is leaks. These leaks can come from plumbing in your bathroom or kitchen or even through your roof. If you find yourself with a mould problem but have ruled out external factors, it is worth checking for any wet spots or dripping water from your ceilings or walls. Not only can this cause a problem with mould but it can also cause structural issues. Particularly if you have Gyprock walls as whole sections that may need to be ripped out and replaced or even rotting wood frames and floors.

5. Dry wet areas
Reducing the time that areas in your house stay wet is also an important preventative measure. Wet areas promote mould growth, so it is important to get on top of them as soon as possible. If you have spilt liquid or rain has entered your home through an open window or a leak drying it straight away will prevent mould from growing.

If you follow all these steps and still find yourself dealing with a Mould Problem, we are here to help.
At XSpor Australia, we have been dealing with mould for years. Our professional team make use of environmentally safe mould removers that ensure you and your household stay safe from any nasty chemicals.
Our Mould Remediation process is robust and effective and will ensure that mould is removed from your household.
Get in Touch Today, for a mould-free home.