About Us
Experience the difference of
breathing enzyme-cleansed air!
Mould Removal
The Natural Way
XSpor Australia provides solutions to the problems that mould and mildew cause.
XSpor Australia, since its inception, has focused on identifying the best natural products to provide a safe environment for everyone to live, work and play. We believe that people want to use natural effective products that do not harm humans, pets or plants, and with that in mind, we searched globally to find a reputable and effective mould removal formula.
As a result, we established a collaboration with a US renowned Scientist, Dr. Joe Ahrens PH.D (twice nominated for a Nobel Prize for his work in natural products) who has long been at the forefront of research to formulate new technology to address an old problem, offering significant savings in time and money, but even more importantly, a commitment to human safety.
In this regard, XSpor Australia's product offers significant advantage over the competition due to the non-toxicity and long term safety of our enzyme-based cleanser, Enzycleanse. The application method allows it to penetrate through gyprock, plasterboard, fabrics, furnishings, wood and all porous materials, ensuring a superior coverage in contrast to just wiping over a surface. This can often eliminate the need of expensive repairs and renovations.
XSpor Australia provides mould removal services throughout Australia and New Zealand.
With industry professionals who are Certified in the latest mould removal procedures, we are proud to offer a
2 Year Guarantee on our work, giving you peace of mind.* Conditions apply.

As the world has changed over 2020-21 and we are more aware of the dangers of COVID-19 as well as other bacteria and gems that can live in our homes and workspaces.
Having access to a UVC light from Xspor has giving me and my family more ease in these trying times.
Being a media company, I don’t like to promote or get behind a brand that isn’t what they say they are. This isn’t the case with Xspor. What they say, they deliver.
I’m a father of 2 young school children and dread every time they come home from school with a sniffle. But with e UVC light, that worry is quickly removed. I place it in different rooms of my home and within a few hours, the home is sanitized and ready for another week.
I’ve been proud to show this wonderful product to my audience and they too are excited to own their very own UVC.
I cannot speak highly enough of Xspor and their products.
Joshua C
Night Cap Media

I am writing this report as in way of a testimonial on Xspor sanitising technology.
COVID-19 has made the world take a look at how we look after our health.
This technology, although not new, has never before been to the forefront of our ongoing battles with health.
It would be an understatement to say this is an amazing product.
I have used my light in so many ways and the results are quite extraordinary.
The germicidal UV C lamp can create a 360° purification in any area It is utilised in.
Dust mites, mould, smells, hidden germs, spores and bacteria of all types and more can be eliminated with this incredible technology.
All of my family have benefited from this incredible light. My granddaughter who suffers from many allergies has had an incredible reaction to the benefits of this light.
As an entertainer I take my light on the road and it gives me much needed protection in any
motel room I stay in making me feel totally at ease.
I even used it to disinfect my car. You can actually smell the difference believe it or not.
I urge anyone to take the time read the pamphlets and study this incredible light, you will be amazed as I was.
Col Elliott